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Last board

When the final deal of the round robin settled on the table in the match between Sweden and England, the situation was clear – Sweden[...]

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The Well Reasoned Lead

Many a deal turns on the opening lead. This board near the end of the last round looked as if it might have a significant[...]

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The Learning Curve

Do you recall the remark made by bridge legend Benito Garozzo, who pointed out that although he had been playing for more than forty years,[...]

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Out of Luck Out of Form

When you are at the top of your game, the luck tends to go with you. When you are below your best it tends to[...]

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Higher, Faster, Stronger

As the standard for an opening bid appears to be falling faster the stock market, it has become safer to adopt a more variable approach[...]

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Searching for IMPs

To paraphrase Jane Austen, It is a truth universally acknowledged that a team not in a qualifying position must be in want of some IMPs.[...]

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Red card

Bidding at bridge would be much tougher if the red card was not available. Its significance is such that books about the correct way to[...]

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Back to Earth

After their astonishing demolition of England in Round 2, Sweden faced China. This was a crucial deal: North led the DA but that only served[...]

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This deal from the second round appeared to be a bidding test for EW, but at the table I was watching, it also proved to[...]

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Relaxing in my room yesterday afternoon, I happened upon a TV channel showing an archery contest in Shanghai. Each contestant shoots five flights of three[...]

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