BAM – Qualifiers & Info
By WBF In 46th World Bridge Teams Championships On 31st August 2023
A total of 26 teams qualify to Final A: a minimum of 23 and a maximum of 25 from the Qualification, and one to three teams from WTOT quarter finals.
Final A will be played over three sessions of, respectively, 16, 16 and 18 boards each, full Round Robin (twenty-five matches of two boards each).
A linear carry-over will be awarded to the qualifiers, the winner of the qualification receiving 6 VPs (three boards) and the last qualifier receiving 0 VPs.
Teams that drop into the final of the MGPOT will be assigned the median carryover score of the teams that qualified on day two, that is, ex aequo with the team in the middle of the ranking or half-way between the two teams in the middle of the ranking.
Final B will be played over two sessions of 16 boards each (movement to be decided). Teams willing to play Final B MUST register, either at the registration desk, or telling one of the scorers in the playing area (Denis Dobrin).Time schedule:
16.10-18.50 (Final A only)