The Top One
By Mark Horton In 46th World Bridge Teams Championships On 22nd August 2023
Opinions differ as to what constitutes a brilliant piece of play or defence, but for me, one indicator that something special has occurred is if that result is achieved at only one table.
Welcome to Board 4 from Round 7 of the Wuhan Cup and the match between USA2 and Italy.
In the Open Room North led the 8 against 4
and declarer took 11 tricks for +650.
Alessandro Gandoglia made the same opening lead as his counterpart. Declarer won and immediately played a heart to the jack, which held the trick!
It is hard to blame declarer for what followed.
She cashed the AK, came to hand with a diamond and played a heart to the queen. South won and played the
Q, forcing declarer to ruff. With only one entry to dummy she tried a heart to the ace, ruffed a heart and exited with a spade, but North won and exited with a club, South winning and cashing a diamond for one down – the only occasion across the four events on which fewer than 10 tricks were recorded.
I’m not saying that’s the most brilliant defensive play I have ever seen, but it’s in the top 1.