Sinking the Ship
By Mark Horton In 46th World Bridge Teams Championships On 26th August 2023
The standard defensive strategies in bridge are well-known, but nevertheless it is extremely satisfying to execute one at the table. This deal from Round 19 is an example of one of the most famous:
It looks like 2 was a transfer to hearts. Whatever, 3NT had nine top tricks, +600.
Here West’s double might be showing hearts. If that is the case West could have considered bidding 3NT on the next round to show the diamond stopper.
South led the 5 and declarer took dummy’s ace, drew trumps and then played the
8 for the three, ten and queen. Now there is only one card in North’s hand that will scuttle declarer’s contract.
Back came the K!
A Merrimac Coup for 12 IMPs.