Sensational Start
By Mark Horton In 46th World Bridge Teams Championships On 30th August 2023
There was barely time to catch your breath when the Bermuda Bowl semifinal between Switzerland and USA2 got under way:
The Americans superbly detailed convention card lists 9 possible rebids after 1-1
(in an uncontested auction) but stops at 3
. However, interpreting the meaning of 3
is not the hardest task one might face.
East led the K followed by the ace and declarer ruffed and was soon claiming 11 tricks, +600.
With a five-card suit that had been supported, and the inference that partner would be short in clubs West took what he thought would at worst be a good save.
North led the Q and declarer won with dummy’s ace, played a heart to the ace and ran the
10. When that held he could draw the outstanding trump and claim, +650 and 15 IMPs.