Late News
By Mark Horton In 46th World Bridge Teams Championships On 24th August 2023
Marten Gustawsson provided us with the details of this deal from R6 of the d’Orsi Trophy:
South led the 5 and declarer took dummy’s ace and played a club for the king and ace. When declarer tied to cash the
Q South ruffed and exited with a diamond for the king and ace. If North plays a heart, South can overruff, but that will be the last trick for the defence. North carefully exited with a diamond to dummy’s queen and now declarer took his only chance by playing a spade to the king, hoping to collect a singleton queen. It was a remote chance, as if North’s spades had been
A53 he would probably have tried a third heart, hoping for a promotion.
After taking the heart lead in dummy, declarer must avoid running the 10 as South will win, return a diamond to partner’s ace, score a heart ruff and exit with a diamond. Declarer cannot take two black suit finesses and must go one down. The solution is to play the
2 to the jack at trick two. South can win, play a diamond, get a heart ruff and exit with a diamond but now declarer can run the
10 and then take advantage of the club position to record 10 tricks. Editor.