By WBF In 15th World Bridge Series, Articles On 28th September 2018
In the United Kingdom the number 111 is a medical helpline run by the NHS. It is also regarded by the superstitious as an unlucky number in cricket. There is probably nothing in this, but if the number comes up players try to advance the score as quickly as possible.
In the match between Lavazza and Chagas, the score was 103-111 with just four deals to play.
On the first of these a defensive error allowed Chagas to make 2 and flatten the board -but their score remained at 111.
Whatever the meaning of 2 (spades and a minor?) it was surprising to see West respond 2NT rather than jump to 4
. 6
doubled was the obvious two down, -500.
East led the
7 and West won and returned the
3, allowing declarer to dispose of his losing spade and escape for one down,-200. The 12 IMP swing saw Lavazza home as Chagas remained rooted to 111 until the very end.