By WBF In 15th World Bridge Series, Articles On 5th October 2018
In short matches you might survive one heavy loss, but overcoming tow of them is not so easy – especially if they occur in rapid succession. This pair are from the first half of the Mixed teams round of 32:
Notice Zia’s 6, just in case the opponents carried on bidding. East led the
A and continued with the queen for West to ruff.
East led the
7 and declarer ruffed, cashed the
A and then played three rounds of diamonds, ruffing and claiming when they broke, +1210 and a 15 IMP pick up.
+1210 was recorded 10 times, one pair having the pleasure of comparing it with the +1540 for making 6 doubled – a handy 21 IMP swing.
North led the J and declarer won, cashed the
A, crossed to dummy with the
Q, ruffed a heart, drew the outstanding trump and claimed.
7 of the 32 pairs bid the grand slam – it was worth 13 IMPs five times.