Out of the Frying Pan…..
By WBF In 15th World Bridge Series, Articles On 24th September 2018
In Round 9 of the Rosenblum, not for the first time in the history of bridge, the board carrying the number 13 was a dramatic one:
When South innocently doubled 2 West redoubled to offer it as a place to play. 2
redoubled is likely to make (declarer would have to be a little careless to go down) for +760 – hardly a disaster – but North’s decision to bid broke Burn’s Law of Total Trumps and turned a pinprick into a major wound.
East led the A and switched to the
10, declarer winning with dummy’s ace and playing a diamond. East won and switched to the
3, West winning with the queen and returning the
J. East ruffed and played the
8, West winning and playing the
J. When it held he cashed the
A and continued with the six, East ruffing.
If East now plays a diamond the defenders will score three more trump tricks on a high cross ruff for six down and 1700,but when East played the K declarer was given a thrid trick, -1400.
In the replay EW bid 1*-2
-3NT for +660.