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Alternative Trumps

Alternative Trumps

By In 15th World Bridge Series, Articles On 29th September 2018

On this deal from the finals, one declarer was able to demonstrate a rare technique, that of using a side suit as a trump substitute:

East led the Cuori9 and declarer won with the king and played a spade to the jack, continuing with the king when it held. West took the ace and switched to the Fiori9, continuing with the seven when it held. Declarer ruffed in dummy, cake to hand with a diamond and played the queen of spades and a spade to West’s ten. When she proved to have a third club that was one down.

Here too East led the Cuori9 and declarer won with the king and played a spade to the king. Taking East’s nine at face value she played three rounds of diamonds and West ruffed as East pitched the Fiori10. West’s Fiori9 was covered by the king and ace and declarer ruffed the club continuation and played a diamond. West ruffed with the Picche10 but declarer overruffed,ruffed a club and played a diamond for a beautifully played ten tricks and 10 IMPs.

In the Rosenblum Gawrys went down by playing a second spade at trick two, while Bocchi was favoured by the lead of the FioriA.

In the Rand, both NS pairs reached 3NT by North. Both East’s, who had bid their clubs, saw fit to lead the FioriQ and declarer was home

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