How High is the Moon
By Mark Horton In Uncategorised On 20th August 2023
This deal from the second round afforded NS an opportunity to bid a playable but by no means laydown slam:
Here is an example of a successful auction from the match between Switzerland and India in the Bermuda Bowl:
West led the K and declarer won perforce in dummy, played a heart to the ace and a heart for the ten and jack. East returned the
5 and declarer won with the ace, ruffed a club, ruffed a heart with the
10, went to dummy with the
K, drew trumps and claimed, +1430 and 13 IMPs when compared with 4
+2 at the other table, West having overcalled 4
If West leads a diamond at trick one declarer can play to ruff a club in dummy, but will then need to get the hearts right.
In the BB pairs bid and made 6, all collecting 13 IMPs. One pair attempted 6
In the VC no one bid a slam and it was the same story in the d’Orsi Trophy.
In the Wuhan Cup UAE were the only team to bid 6 for the regulation 13 IMPs.