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How High is the Moon

How High is the Moon

By In Uncategorised On 20th August 2023

This deal from the second round afforded NS an opportunity to bid a playable but by no means laydown slam:


Here is an example of a successful auction from the match between Switzerland and India in the Bermuda Bowl:

West led the FioriK and declarer won perforce in dummy, played a heart to the ace and a heart for the ten and jack. East returned the Quadri5 and declarer won with the ace, ruffed a club, ruffed a heart with the Picche10, went to dummy with the PiccheK, drew trumps and claimed, +1430 and 13 IMPs when compared with 4Picche+2 at the other table, West having overcalled 4Fiori.
If West leads a diamond at trick one declarer can play to ruff a club in dummy, but will then need to get the hearts right.

In the BB pairs bid and made 6Picche, all collecting 13 IMPs. One pair attempted 6Quadri.
In the VC no one bid a slam and it was the same story in the d’Orsi Trophy.
In the Wuhan Cup UAE were the only team to bid 6Picche for the regulation 13 IMPs.

About the Author

Mark Horton
Mark Horton

Mark Horton British journalist and expert player, was Editor of Bridge Magazine 1995-2017 and now edits the online publication Bridgerama+. At one time, his business cards were inscribed: Have Cards will Travel, but following the death of his most famous sponsor, the Rabbi Leonard Helman, he has tended to concentrate on his writing exploits (in 2018 he had five books published!). Anyone wanting to discover how to lose at bridge on a regular basis (and pay for the privilege) should feel free to contact him. He currently lives in Shrewsbury with his wife Liz.