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Rivers of Blood

Rivers of Blood

By In 44th World Bridge Teams Championships On 17th September 2019

This was the deal that made the headlines yesterday:

In the Closed Room, Fukuyoshi and Yanagisawa had taken 12 tricks in 4Cuori, +680.

When West made a support redouble North could not think of anything sensible to bid – neither can I, but some pairs play that a pass in this position is a suggestion to play for penalties.
South led the CuoriJ and declarer managed to take all the tricks – it was easy to get the trumsp right and once a diamond had slipped past the ace South was toast. Six overtricks adds up to +3120 and a modest 20 IMP swing.
Remarkably despite collecting another 28 IMPs with slam and game swings USA 2 lost this match 50-56, which says a lot for the resolve of their Japanese opponents.

About the Author

Mark Horton
Mark Horton

Mark Horton British journalist and expert player, was Editor of Bridge Magazine 1995-2017 and now edits the online publication Bridgerama+. At one time, his business cards were inscribed: Have Cards will Travel, but following the death of his most famous sponsor, the Rabbi Leonard Helman, he has tended to concentrate on his writing exploits (in 2018 he had five books published!). Anyone wanting to discover how to lose at bridge on a regular basis (and pay for the privilege) should feel free to contact him. He currently lives in Shrewsbury with his wife Liz.