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By In 44th World Bridge Teams Championships On 20th September 2019

Viewing figures suggest that if big numbers are the sole criteria to justify selection for an appearance on BBO then Meckwell are the biggest draw. When they are in full cry, you can learn a lot from watching them. Here are a couple of deals from their R17match with England, which provided full value for money.

In the Closed Room North (as was usually the case) declared 3NT and East’s lead of the Quadri10 saw the contract defeated in double quick time.

West led the Fiori4 and when declarer put up dummy’s queen East followed with the seven and South the three. The jack of spades saw East contribute the ten (upside down Smith) and West took the ace and switched to the QuadriJ to flatten the board – not exactly shabby and too difficult for some of the pairs confronted by the problem.

Every ten years or so I pester Eric about writing a book on RM Precision – when you see a sequence like this you can understand why.

I leave you to ponder the merits of some further move by East (presumably 3Quadri would have been asking for controls or range).
USA 1 just got the better of things to stay more than a match ahead of the field.

About the Author

Mark Horton
Mark Horton

Mark Horton British journalist and expert player, was Editor of Bridge Magazine 1995-2017 and now edits the online publication Bridgerama+. At one time, his business cards were inscribed: Have Cards will Travel, but following the death of his most famous sponsor, the Rabbi Leonard Helman, he has tended to concentrate on his writing exploits (in 2018 he had five books published!). Anyone wanting to discover how to lose at bridge on a regular basis (and pay for the privilege) should feel free to contact him. He currently lives in Shrewsbury with his wife Liz.