Man of Many Parts
By Mark Horton In 44th World Bridge Teams Championships On 19th September 2019
Fernando Lema, driving force behind the WBF Youth pages (www.youth.worldbridge.org) is a busy man. Thanks to him, we now have the first ever ranking list:
It is also possible to collect Youth participation certificates at:
You can also look at deals played in these Championships:
Meanwhile, apart from organising an endless series of interviews etc he somehow finds time to seek out interesting deals, like this one from the seventh round of the Venice Cup:
In the Open Room, Japan recorded +120.
East led the J and when it held she continued with the four, West winning with the king and playing the ace, ruffed and overruffed. A low club saw West win with the queen, return a club to the ace and ruff the third round of the suit. A heart was ruffed and overruffed and the defenders still had two trump tricks to come for +800.