The Unhappy Dinosaur
By Mark Horton In 43rd World Bridge Teams Championships On 13th August 2017
At Saturday’s opening ceremony I encountered my old friend Eric Rodwell, who asked me if I had heard of a recently discovered dinosaur. It made its first appearance in the Round of 16 at the 2017 US Bridge Trials. At Saturday’s opening ceremony I encountered my old friend Eric Rodwell, who asked me if I had heard of a recently discovered dinosaur. It made its first appearance in the Round of 16 at the 2017 US Bridge Trials. One of my grandsons, Luca (who will be celebrating his sixth birthday later this month) is a big dinosaur fan. A year ago he was asking me questions about paleontologists (which I find difficult to spell let alone pronounce). His dinosaur collection is already past the century mark, and he will be keen to acquire a replica of this recently discovered species.
East started with three rounds of clubs, but declarer ruffed with dummy’s ten of diamonds, ruffed a spade, drew trumps ending in dummy and played a heart to the queen, claiming when it held, +150. With 5diamonds and 3NT making that looked like a promising result for Rosenthal.
Although North’s decision to rebid 3clubs might not be a universal choice, it should have been clear to South that 4spades could not possibly be natural given that South had turned down two chances to bid spades at an economical level. This unhappy spot cost -600 and 13 IMPs. What is more it introduced (according to Eric) a new dinosaur to the world, the Ginossarus Rex!