By Mark Horton In 1st IMSA World Masters Championships On 14th May 2019
Relaxing in my room yesterday afternoon, I happened upon a TV channel showing an archery contest in Shanghai. Each contestant shoots five flights of three arrows, scoring 10 for every bullseye, a maximum of 150 being available for perfection. You don’t necessarily score points for perfection in bridge, but on this deal from Round 1 the EW pairs had a chance to demonstrate their skills:
This auction was going along reasonably well until East jumped to 6. Perhaps passing the double and then bidding 6 over West’s redouble would have been the way to suggest a grand slam was possible.
1 1+, natural or 12‐14 balanced or 18‐19 balanced or any 1444 (15points can contain 5)
2 Game forcing
2 Checking for a major
4 Cue bid
4 Cue bid
Rdbl First round control
5 2 key cards, no Q
5NT Kings?
6 K
An impressive way to collect 13 IMPs.