Championship Diary (5)
By Mark Horton In 43rd World Bridge Teams Championships On 17th August 2017
From time to time we discuss convention cards – and unfortunately some of them are somewhat devoid of information. When Micke Melander announced ‘This is the sort of card that could give P.O. a heart attack’, Tacchi interjected, ‘Quick, find him’.
During one of Wednesday’s Bermuda Bowl matches one of the players was handed a note by his screen-mate which read: ‘My partner can be very slow’. A prize if you can guess who wrote the message.
One of our reporters set out to cover a match from Round 12. Unfortunately the deals were so dull he fell asleep.
Tacchi was doing the rounds yesterday when he was approached by a lady who asked him what his job was. When he explained that he took photographs for two Bulletins, wrote articles, attends meetings, etc she immediately exclaimed – ‘That’s ridiculous, you’re a man – you can’t multitask. Obviously a woman should be doing your job’.
As space is limited I cannot describe the following incident in detail (for that you must ask one of the young ladies at the Hospitality desk) but basically it concerns a player who spent a night in Paris before travelling to Lyon on the TGV. He left a jacket on the train, but it was found by a lady on her way to Nice who had been sitting in the carriage. She had noticed the man was reading a bridge book and after series of twists and turns that would have done credit to a Sherlock Holmes story the jacket and its owner were eventually reunited. The moral of the story is clear – always read a bridge book while travelling.