Movie Star
By Mark Horton In 1st IMSA World Masters Championships On 16th May 2019
In my club players who lead the king from Kx are credited with making a movie star lead – most of the time they end up with egg on their faces, but when it works, they make the headlines.
South led the 6 and declarer won with dummy’s ace and played a spade for the jack, king and ace. She lost three tricks, +620.
South led the
Declarer won with the ace, crossed to dummy with a heart and played a spade for the jack, king and ace. South returned a diamond and North won and played a third diamond, promoting a trump which meant the K was the setting trick.
Declarer could have made the contract by ducking the opening lead, or, after crossing to dummy with a heart by playing a second heart, pitching a diamond – a type of scissors coup. Whatever, South and Sweden would happily accept the 12 IMP swing.