Slammed in Wroclaw
By Mark Horton In 16th World Bridge Series On 24th August 2022
In the third session of the Rosenblum quarter finals three slams had a prominent role to play:
In the match between Team Black and Zimmermann Brink/Drijver bid all the way to 6NT. East led the 6, but declarer could not untangle his tricks, -200 and a 12 IMP loss against the +490 recorded in the other room by McIntosh and Black.
With spades 2-2 6 is unbeatable and that is where Team Black played. Brink/Drijver stopped in 3NT – and a club lead meant the loss of 17 IMPs.
McIntosh/Black played in 6, losing only one trump, but Brink/Drijver were in 6
and that saw 16 IMPs change hands. These three deals cost the World Champions 45 IMPs and leftb them staring down the barrel.